Published : 2022-03-30

Attitudes of Generation Z towards the Facebook brand during the COVID-19 pandemic: the tourism activity perspective

Agata Balińska

Ewa Jaska


During the pandemic, many potential tourists carefully balance the arguments for and against when considering taking advantage of a tourism offer. Faced with uncertainty and risk, they search for information on an ongoing basis and frequently make last-minute decisions. Even though social media have become an important source of information, their credibility and use-fulness are not fully recognized. The main objective of this study was to identify the attitudes of Generation Z representatives towards Facebook in the context of searching for information about tourism products during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study involved a survey conducted in October 2020. The opinions of 374 respondents born after 1995, classified as Generation Z, were collected. The vast majority of them, 67.7% (253 people), declared that they used Facebook and only their answers were selected for the analysis. The survey showed that people browsing websites for more than 2 hours a day rate Facebook’s credibility and usefulness higher than re-spondents declaring shorter screen time. The Generation Z representatives perceived Facebook as a source of emotional benefits (satisfaction) rather than an information source. The respond-ents declaring the highest level of tourism expenditure did not turn to Facebook to get tourism in-formation and if they did, they rather visited their friends’ profiles than travel companies’ profiles. There is no statistically significant correlation between the assessment of the credibility of Face-book as a source of tourism information and the respondents’ place of residence or the number of people in a household. The research assumptions were positively verified; the study showed that in the opinion of Generation Z representatives the usefulness of Facebook as a source of informa-tion about tourism products is low, and Facebook profiles of friends provide more useful tourism information than profiles of tourism enterprises.


Facebook, tourism product, COVID-19, Generation Z, usefulness





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Balińska, A., & Jaska, E. (2022). Attitudes of Generation Z towards the Facebook brand during the COVID-19 pandemic: the tourism activity perspective. Studia Periegetica, 37(1), 27–42.

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