Published : 2019-12-30

Pilates: the Impact of Targeted Physical Activity on the Psychomotor Functions in Women in Middle Adulthood

Maria Lipko-Kowalska


The main aim of the article is an attempt to determine the importance of a targeted form of physical activity, i.e. Pilates, on psychomotor functions in women who practice this method. It seems important to search for appropriate, socially recognized values which promote health and are conducive to a health-oriented lifestyle, especially among women in middle adulthood. The study was based on a natural experiment involving 40 middle-aged women who participated in Pilates classes from the beginning of October 2013 to the end of September 2014. The one-year Pilates programme was found to have a significant impact on improving the participants' health awareness. The study indicates an improvement in elements of physical fitness, especially in the first (known as enthusiastic) stage of participation (from October 2013 to April 2014). Over the course of the year, significant differences were found in the measurements of all the selected elements of physical fitness. The greatest progress was recorded in body flexibility. It can be concluded that targeted exercises improve physical fitness, particularly body flexibility, contribute to reducing low back pain, thereby improving the quality of life. (original abstract)


Physical activity, Woman, Lifestyle





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Lipko-Kowalska, M. (2019). Pilates: the Impact of Targeted Physical Activity on the Psychomotor Functions in Women in Middle Adulthood. Studia Periegetica, 28(4), 87–102.

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