Published : 2012-10-30

Professor as a Part of the University Brand

Wojciech Maciejewski


This article is an attempt to discuss the position of the brand of university professor as a part of strategy of building the university brand. The legitimacy of building a strong market position and the positive connotation of the university brand is evident. Universities in Poland have statutory responsibilities such as conducting research and teaching which are carried out with the participation of academics. Thus, professors' name and brand associated with the professor's name are inseparable elements related to building the university brand. Professors' brand and its use for communication with the university environment have various strengths depending on stakeholders. Studies conducted among the students of business schools from the Lower Silesia region have shown that the importance of professor brand is very little related with decisions of selection of university. However, this factor does not mean that a professor brand should be marginalized. The strength of university brand depends on the strength of the academic staff.(original abstract)


Higher education, Enterprise's brand, Scientific staff





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Maciejewski, W. (2012). Professor as a Part of the University Brand. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 44(44). Retrieved from

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