Published : 2012-10-30

Development of Cross-Border Model of University Brand on the Eastern Border of the EU - the Selected Aspects

Tadeusz Kowalewski


The author of the article highlights the need for a deeper reflection on the model that he created of cross-border institutions. A cross-border university in the north-eastern Poland, on the border between Poland, Russia, Lithuania and Belarus constitutes a civilizing mission for the Eastern Europe, just like University Viadrina on the Polish-German border did in the past. A cross-border university that is based on such brand image qualities as creativity, responsibility, academic freedom, university autonomy should also be characterized by striving for entrepreneurship based on self-employment and innovation. A university depicted as above would stand a common ground of scientific and research partnership between the EU and countries that aspire to have a close contact with the European Union.(original abstract)


Enterprise's brand, Higher education, Company image





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Kowalewski, T. (2012). Development of Cross-Border Model of University Brand on the Eastern Border of the EU - the Selected Aspects. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 44(44). Retrieved from

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