Published : 2011-06-30

Employees' Assessment Based on their Competence : Using Evaluation to Plan Future Trainings and Employees' Development

Dagmara Penkala


The process of employees' evaluation takes place in most companies. However, the criteria used for that evaluation do not translate into daily activities of employees and are often unclear. They may also have hardly anything to do with appropriate business area. Thus, modem companies ought to peel the direction of human resources management based on competence. As a result, it is easier to determine a company's requirements. Moreover, employees become aware of the actions they should undertake in order to pursue their objectives with full competence. The argument put in this article is the view that the competence based evaluation is the key tool used to manage workers' development, that is, introducing training and staff development plans. If the competencies are evaluated fairly and professionally in the process of staff performance evaluation, the company acquires the necessary data for proper management of human potential. (original abstract)


Employee appraisal, Competences, Professional development of employees, Human Resources Management (HRM)





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Penkala, D. (2011). Employees’ Assessment Based on their Competence : Using Evaluation to Plan Future Trainings and Employees’ Development. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 34(34). Retrieved from

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