Published : 2011-06-30

Construction and Application Competence Tests on the Example of Basic Competence Test Set

Paweł Jurek


The aim of this paper is to present the procedure to create competence tests. This method allows to examining practical knowledge about the desired behaviour in the area of competence, which is tested. Test questions are made up of the description of the situation and three possible solutions / actions. The task for the person being tested is to evaluate the effectiveness of each of the three possible options for the five-point scale. The method presented in the paper is discussed on the example of the Basic Competence Test Set created by P. Jurek, A. Wiacek & J. Kolenda. The analyzed set includes three tests: Social Competence Test, Organizational Competence Test and Personal Competence Test. The paper includes the presentation of research results for standardization on the reliability and validity of the tool. The last part of the paper is devoted to issues of application of tests of competence in human resource management. (original abstract)


Competency test, Competences, Competence management





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Jurek, P. (2011). Construction and Application Competence Tests on the Example of Basic Competence Test Set. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 34(34). Retrieved from

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