Published : 2009-02-28

Activity - Based Costing as a Tool of Enterprise Knowledge Management

Jarosław Mielcarek


The ABC concept as the positive theory delivers premises for the selection of the information on indispensable and superfluous, in other words necessary and unnecessary for the maximization of the profit. This cpncept determines identifying, measearing, accumulating, classifying, preparating, analysing, interpreting and communicating of the necessary information for enterprise management. It decides about the manner of the management with the knowledge on the stage of its creation, spreading and utilization. The organizational knowledge , the selected and new base knowledge, the transformed knowledge and the metaknowledge are created as a result of making use of it. The ABC concept is a tool which transforms the information flow into the knowledge, that is to say into the strategic production factor and as such a tool also becomes the strategic production factor. (original abstract)


Knowledge in organization, Creating knowledge, Knowledge management, Activity Based Costing (ABC)





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Mielcarek, J. (2009). Activity - Based Costing as a Tool of Enterprise Knowledge Management. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 22(22). Retrieved from

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