Published : 2024-01-25

Opinie uczestników na temat funkcjonowania Pracowniczych Planów Kapitałowych w Polsce

Roman Garbiec


Abstract: The knowledge of Poles about the new pension system is negligible. Few people realize that public pensions will be at a level that will not ensure survival for the elderly. The modernization activities done since 2004 in this system also do not significantly change the state of knowledge on this subject. Another decision to introduce Employee Capital Plans (PPK) in Poland, which is an element of the third pension pillar, did not improve the public's knowledge in this regard.

This article presents the opinions of participants (employees) on the functioning of PPK, where the basis for their specification was a survey conducted among 821 employees who decided to participate in the plan.

According to the analysis conducted of PPK participants, this proposal is met with an ambivalent reception due to errors in promoting incentives to join and the defects of the introduced solution perceived by the respondents.


Keywords: Employee Capital Plan (PPK), the third pension pillar, participants of the Employee Capital Plan, advantages and disadvantages of PPK.








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Garbiec, R. (2024). Opinie uczestników na temat funkcjonowania Pracowniczych Planów Kapitałowych w Polsce. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 101(2).

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