Published : 2022-09-30

Consumer Rights Protection in Poland's Financial Markets

Maciej Banasik


The financial market is one of the key drivers of economic growth. Activities in the financial market are associated with risk, which all market players aim to minimize. However, some types of risk cannot be controlled, for example when a bank, brokerage or insurance company goes bankrupt. In such cases, it is essential that a guarantee system is in place to provide effective protection to individual consumers. It is equally important that the financial market is properly supervised in order to ensure its stability, security and transparency and to protect interests of all market participants. The purpose of the article is to present the regulatory and institutional framework of consumer protection and the definitions of risks associated with financial markets. Theoretical considerations are complemented by a discussion of results of a survey regarding consumers' knowledge about available forms of protection.(original abstract)


Customer, Financial markets, Risk, Consumer protection





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Banasik, M. (2022). Consumer Rights Protection in Poland’s Financial Markets. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 98(3).

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