Published : 2021-09-30

Machine-building Enterprises in the Ukrainian Economy: Current Trends

Olena Liahovska


The article highlights the main development trends in Ukrainian machine-building enterprises. Large and medium-sized machine-building enterprises were found to sell more products than small enterprises and had better profitability. It also shows the structure of investments in domestic machine-building enterprises, especially the share of multinational companies (MNCs) operating in Ukrainian machine-building industries. It identifies manufacturing specializations of MNCs and notes that most of them are intermediate manufacturers of components for leading automotive companies. The vast majority of machine-building MNCs in Ukraine are involved in what is known as toll manufacturing, which means that they process foreign components or raw materials. Considering the increasingly stronger competitive position of international companies in Ukraine, there is a need to develop the domestic machine industry so that it can compete both on the domestic and foreign markets.(original abstract)


Engineering industry, Machinery and equipment, International enterprise, Investment





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Liahovska, O. (2021). Machine-building Enterprises in the Ukrainian Economy: Current Trends. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 94(3).

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