Published : 2020-09-30

Ukraine's Industrial Transformation Models in the Context of the Eu Experience

Nataliya Ryvak

Anna Kernytska


The article provides a comparative analysis of national policies related to Industry 4.0 (I4.0), taking into account their characteristics in terms of funding, focus, and direction. The authors also address obstacles to the successful implementation and enforcement of the I4.0 policy in the European countries as well as factors conducive to its successful implementation. Drawing on the analysis of the European experience of the digital transformation in industry and national economies in general, the authors highlight critical areas in need such transformations in Ukraine. The results of the study indicate that industrial transformation in Ukraine requires state support and cooperation between stakeholders involved in implementing Industry 4.0. According to the authors, it is necessary to create national and regional I4.0 platforms, following the example of EU countries, which would bring together government institutions, businesses, and academics.(original abstract)


Industry, Industry 4.0, Industrial policy, Digitization

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Ryvak, N., & Kernytska, A. (2020). Ukraine’s Industrial Transformation Models in the Context of the Eu Experience. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 90(3).

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