Published : 2017-10-30

Innovation-Oriented Cooperation between Enterprises and Scientific Institutions as a Way of Improving the Competitiveness of the Economy

Irena Łącka


The article addresses the topic of cooperation between Polish enterprises and scientific institutions in the area of innovative activity. Its main purpose is to discuss the reasons for, forms of and benefits derived from such cooperation. Another aim is to present the state of this cooperation between 2013 and 2015 and identify obstacles that stand in the way of strong and lasting relations between the economy and the science sector in Poland. Studies show that innovative enterprises are increasingly seeking collaboration with scientific and research units. However, this strategy is still followed mainly by large and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises in high-tech and mid-tech industries. The author assesses the state of cooperation between enterprises and the science sector in Poland using official statistics on innovative activities of enterprises in 2012-2014 and 2013-2015 and information from the European Innovation Scoreboard 2016.(original abstract)


Innovative character, Innovation economy, Economy competitiveness





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Łącka, I. (2017). Innovation-Oriented Cooperation between Enterprises and Scientific Institutions as a Way of Improving the Competitiveness of the Economy. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 76(5). Retrieved from

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