Published : 2016-12-30

Prospective Students as University Stakeholders -the Relational Aspect

Hanna Hall


The paper aims to depict the needs and expectations of higher education students considered as a group of external stakeholders in a higher education institution, with special emphasis on communications targeted at this group. Learning about these needs enables a university to establish relationships with this stakeholder group, while requirements identification through research is an essential element of stakeholder relationship management. The author brings up such issues as e.g. the time frame for the decision making process involving university and course selection, prospective higher education students' expectations toward the form and content of communications addressed to them and toward the media used, the factors affecting the choice of university, and the specific benefits derived from research focused on this key stakeholder group. The paper is based on an analysis of secondary sources and the findings of the author's original research.(original abstract)


Higher education, Students, Expectations, Stakeholders





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Hall, H. (2016). Prospective Students as University Stakeholders -the Relational Aspect. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 71(6). Retrieved from

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