Published : 2016-12-30

An Evaluation of Tools Used in Marketing Communication with Higher Education Candidates. Findings of the 2011-2014 Gdynia Maritime University Survey

Wioletta Suszek


Effective marketing communication is a crucial element of marketing efforts made by modern universities as they are facing changes to the higher education market. Emerging marketing innovations provide new opportunities to communicate with candidates. However, there remain the questions of how much use should be made of traditional forms of marketing communication and the role of a satisfied customer in motivating decisions to choose a particular university. A survey conducted by the Office of Promotions of the Gdynia Maritime University between 2011 and 2014 among higher education applicants shows that, despite the ongoing proliferation of marketing communication tools and the use of a variety of available information sources, candidates continue to recognize "word of mouth" as a relevant factor when making their choice of higher education institution. For applicants, trust built on consistent marketing messages is key to making a decision on selecting a specific institution.(original abstract)


Marketing communication, Higher education, Students





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Suszek, W. (2016). An Evaluation of Tools Used in Marketing Communication with Higher Education Candidates. Findings of the 2011-2014 Gdynia Maritime University Survey. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 71(6). Retrieved from

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