


Faced with modern economic challenges, entrepreneurs have to meet growing demands and adapt to the changing reality. This issue of the journal focuses on various aspects of business operation in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, the war in Ukraine, and other factors affecting business development.

The authors[1] of the article entitled Sustainable Development in Business Practice: Ecological Awareness and Legal Knowledge of Polish Entrepreneurs report results of an online survey undertaken to assess the level of ecological awareness of Polish entrepreneurs and their knowledge of regulations that determine their environmental obligations. The study’s findings reveal a moderate level of ecological awareness, with evident gaps regarding the knowledge of regulations and lack of compliance, especially among representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises (SME). The authors conclude that there is a need to expand the current offering of trainings and educational programs in this area.

In the following article entitled Economic freedom and climate change  its author[2]  undertakes a critical analysis of claims put forward in the liteature on climate change and the consequences of global warming, as well as proposed solutions to the problem and their impact on the market economy. He concludes that the free market economy favours the search for and implementation of technological solutions that effectively mitigate the negative effects of climate change. 

The third article[3] examines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on business strategies of small and medium-sized companies as well as available ways of obtaining public funds for their implementation. The author concludes that after the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the MSE sector faced new challenges that required financial support from the state, which enabled many companies in this group to survive the crisis.

The article[4] entitled Determinants of the primary health care infrastructure in district towns of Śląskie Province during the Covid-19 pandemic reports results of a statistical analysis based on a ranking of 19 towns in terms of the density of primary health care facilities at two points during the COVID-19 pandemic. The results indicate that the density of health care facilities between 2020 and 2022 is correlated with three explanatory variables, namely the number of kindergartens per 1 km2, the number of completed apartments per 1 km2 and the length of the gas network in km per 1 thousand inhabitants. A comparison of the corresponding rankings reveals changes that took place between the references years.

In her article entitled Financial and non-financial reports prepared by economic entities during the Russian aggression against Ukraine[5], the author discusses problems caused by Russia's aggression against Ukraine and reflected in companies’ financial statements, which reveal how the military conflict has undermined the economic stability of many companies. The study is based on information included in the notes to financial statements and in the Management Board Report of the LPP S.A. Capital Group for 2022/23.  

The growing demand for automation has resulted in the widespread use of technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, for industrial development and logistics. In her article entitled Robotization - a revolution and its impact on our lives[6], the author discusses how the application of intelligent robots has affected productivity, competitiveness and the way companies exploit automation to increase efficiency, economic effectiveness and, ultimately, their profits. Robotization  in various areas of life is motivated by public well-being,  consumer satisfaction and environmental sustainability.

The ongoing process of digital transformation, which is affecting business processes, is the main topic of last article[7] included in this volume, namely Beyond Optimization: The Evolving Role of Business Process Management in Industry Transformation. The author  examines the shift from traditional paradigms to holistic and innovative approaches, positioning the BPM approach as a catalyst for enduring organizational transformation. The analysis is based on a series of case studies that showcase various applications and positive outcomes of transformative BPM initiatives and illustrate the changing landscape of Industry 4.0-5.0, the integration of emerging technologies like AI, IoT, and Blockchain, and anticipated trends, emphasizing BPM’s role as a strategic enabler of innovation, agility, and sustainability.


Insights offered by the articles in this issue can help us to better understand the challenges faced by modern companies and to find effective ways of solving them. They are therefore likely to be of interest not only to scientists and students but also to entrepreneurs wishing to become more familiar with contemporary business management problems.


[1] A. Bernaciak, K. Kowol, Sustainable Development in Business Practice: Ecological Awareness and Legal Knowledge of Polish Entrepreneurs

[2] A. Pietrasz, Zmiany klimatyczne a wolność gospodarcza

[3] M. Banasik, Wpływ pandemii COVID-19 na działalność przedsiębiorstw z sektora MMŚP

[4] G. Chrobok, Determinanty infrastruktury podstawowej opieki zdrowotnej w miastach powiatowych województwa śląskiego wobec pandemii SARS-CoV-2

[5] K. Barczyk,  Raporty finansowe i niefinansowe w sporządzane przez jednostki gospodarcze w warunkach rosyjskiej agresji na Ukrainę


[6] M. Florczak-Strama, Robotyzacja – rewolucja i jej wpływ na nasze życie

[7] A. Kernytska, Beyond Optimization: The Evolving Role of Business Process Management in Industry Transformation

Sustainable development is important not only as a solution to problems of the present but also as a strategy for the future of our planet. In the face of global challenges, such as climate change, economic crises or public health threats, we need to make informed and responsible decisions taking into account the overall impact of our activities on the social, economic and natural environment. For this to happen, it is necessary to continue public and scientific discourse regarding sustainable development and to promote policies and initiatives that support it.
In the context of challenges such as the war in Ukraine and digital transformation, sustainable development is key to ensuring socio-economic stability. In particular, this means that decisions made at micro and macro levels need to strive for a balance between economic, social and environmental considerations. For example, when analysing the effects of the war on the Ukrainian economy and the growing importance of digital technologies, one cannot forget the role played by sustainable development as a pillar of a long-term development strategy. The articles presented in this volume address some of these challenges.
Their authors focus on various aspects of sustainable development, ranging from an analysis of regional economic inequalities in Ukraine (S. Ishuchuk), through risk reporting in business (K. Barczyk), to the role of banks in supporting activities which are in line with ESG principles (Ł. Dwojak). The task of building a sustainable future requires good relationships with stakeholders and properly trained employees in cyber security (M. Fuksiewicz); it is also associated with the development of artificial intelligence (Ł. Makowski). Given the changing needs and expectations of consumers and employees and the changing realities of education, there is a need for new solutions to support sustainable socio-economic development. (W. Ilnicka, R, Grabiec). In order to a build knowledge-based society capable of innovation, it is crucial to find ways in which students can be motivated to choose technical and engineering fields (Wojtowicz, Wachnicka).
All these areas require cooperation and involvement of various stakeholder groups who can jointly create a safe future based on sustainable development. The articles included in this issue are likely to prove useful not only to scientists, but also to students and practitioners interested in the concept of sustainable development and its applications to ensure the socio-economic stability and protect the natural environment in the face of the challenges of the modern world.


Czasopismo: Zeszyty Naukowe WSB w Poznaniu (The WSB University in Poznan Research Journal) Numer: 93(2)/2021 Redaktor: Wiesława Caputa, Lyubomyr Sozanskyy Format: 170 x 240 ISSN: 2719-6798 Rodzaj oprawy: wersja elektroniczna

Czasopismo: Zeszyty Naukowe WSB w Poznaniu (The WSB University in Poznan Research Journal) Numer: 1(92)/2021 Redaktor: Wiesława Caputa Format: 170 x 240 Liczba stron: 124 ISSN: 2719-6798 Rodzaj oprawy: wersja elektroniczna

Czasopismo: Zeszyty Naukowe WSB w Poznaniu (The WSB University in Poznan Research Journal) Numer: 4(91)/2020 Redaktor: Wiesława Caputa Format: 170 x 240 Liczba stron: 128 ISSN: 2719-6798 Rodzaj oprawy: wersja elektroniczna

Czasopismo: Zeszyty Naukowe WSB w Poznaniu (The WSB University in Poznan Research Journal) Numer: 3(90)/2020 Redaktor: Wiesława Caputa Format: 170 x 240 Liczba stron: 116 ISSN: 2719-6798 Rodzaj oprawy: wersja elektroniczna

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