Published : 2023-01-30

Building cross-border tourism brands: the case of EtnoCarpathia


The Carpathians, with their wild nature, original culture and limited infrastructure along the Polish-Slovak border still hold a fascination for tourists. For this reason, the Association of the Carpathian Euroregion Poland, has developed a project aimed at creating a new tourist product called EtnoCarpathia, which exploits the potential of the region’s folk cultures. The project includes a strategy for seven ethnographic sub-brands, together with a branding concept of the tourist product. EtnoCarpathia refers to the assumptions of the existing Carpathia brand, modelled on the Alpine brand. The project’s stakeholders include local government units associated with the Carpathian Euroregion, folk artists, craftsmen, handicraftsmen and their associations, Local Action Groups, leaders and opinion-forming residents, farmers (producers of regional and local food), hotel owners, providers of catering services and managers of tourist attractions. The article presents the methodology underlying the creation of the EtnoCarpathia brand, the scope and stages of project work and the results achieved so far. The authors highlight the context of cross-border cooperation, identifying its strengths and weaknesses. The brand creation strategy relies on desk research and marketing methods, such as benchmarking, analysis of social media profiles, analysis of responses to inquiries, telephone interviews regarding cooperation, mystery shoppers, IDI interviews, on-site verification.





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Nowak, A., & Kruczek, Z. (2023). Building cross-border tourism brands: the case of EtnoCarpathia. Studia Periegetica, 38(2), 99–118.

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