Published : 2013-10-30

The Perception of the Phenomenon of Entrepreneurship Using the Example of Polish and Czech Students in 2002 and 2012

Agata Kurzawa-Dobek

Marek Sergiel


The dynamics of market changes, increasing competition, and fast technological progress forces young people to a high level of entrepreneurship, activity, and a readiness to face challenges. Special importance is placed on the first and main determinant of stimulating economic growth in the XXI century. In the economy of knowledge and information, entrepreneurship of the young and educated people becomes most valuable. University graduates are the future intellectual entrepreneurs, who play an important role competing in the European markets. The aim of this article is to evaluate and compare the views of students in economic universities in Poland and in the Czech Republic on various issues including: the phenomenon of entrepreneurship and activities of entrepreneurs; the willingness to take entrepreneurial activity; business conditions in the surveyed countries; an analysis of selected personal characteristics of the entrepreneur; and evaluating the preparation for entrepreneurial activity by universities. The paper presents the results of research in these countries, as well as, a comparative analysis comparing the obtained data to that of data from 2002, which is used to attempt to formulate proposals for the development of academic entrepreneurship.(original abstract)


Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship development, Students





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Kurzawa-Dobek, A., & Sergiel, M. (2013). The Perception of the Phenomenon of Entrepreneurship Using the Example of Polish and Czech Students in 2002 and 2012. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 50(5). Retrieved from

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