Published : 2012-10-30

Organizational Culture of Higher Education Institution vs. Brand Management

Małgorzata Kupczak

Jadwiga Stobiecka


Primary functions of higher education are research and teaching of future employees, leading to development and improvement of society as a whole. There is no one standard approach to management of higher education which is the most effective and suitable for each educational institution. Leaders in higher education should keep searching for means to improve the educational process and their focus should be placed on effective human resources management of teaching staff, administrators, and students in order to deliver the best brand quality. Quality improvement of educational services may be done through organizational culture diagnosis and change along with analysis of data derived from qualitative research. The authors examined the chances and challenges of presented approach to brand management of a higher education institution. In order to do this, full time and part-time students from two different majors were tested. The results highlight the need for educational leaders to be attentive to the consistency and congruence between values in the organizational culture and brand.(original abstract)


Organisational culture, Brand, Brand value, Higher education





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Kupczak, M., & Stobiecka, J. (2012). Organizational Culture of Higher Education Institution vs. Brand Management. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 44(44). Retrieved from

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