Published : 2016-12-30

Alumni Relationship Management by a University of Tourism in the Context of a Practically-profiled Curriculum

Anna Krajewska-Smardz


In today's Poland, the higher education market compels university administrators to come up with new and innovative ways to govern their institutions. To be able to cope with this challenge, they need to know as much as possible about their universities' stakeholders and have a perfect understanding of stakeholder relationship management. The paper discusses university stakeholder relationships in terms stakeholder groups and stakeholder management tools, with a special focus on alumni as the group that increasingly centers the attention of universities implementing practically-profiled curricula. The paper seeks to identify relationships that a university has with its stakeholders and to apply relevant relationship management approaches to specific stakeholder groups. In doing so, it looks at how higher education institutions currently manage their alumni relationships and attempts to suggest improvements in that respect. To address the research problem of whether, and to what extent, an institution's concentration on the delivery of tourism programs affects its alumni relationships, the author makes extensive use of analysis, synthesis, and primary research.(original abstract)


Higher education graduates, Stakeholders





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Krajewska-Smardz, A. (2016). Alumni Relationship Management by a University of Tourism in the Context of a Practically-profiled Curriculum. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 71(6). Retrieved from

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