Published : 2016-08-30

On the Need to Continue Diagnosing Low Innovation Performance of the Polish Economy

Jarosław Mielcarek


The aim of the article is to analyse one of the most well-known reports on the innovation performance of the Polish economy conducted by M. Kleiber. The research tool used in this paper was presented definition of innovation by the author and described innovation models. Selected macro and microeconomic indicators were used to assess the economy innovation performance. During the period of the fourth financial framework (2007-2013 - Barrosso's package) the gap between the innovation performance of the Polish economy and economies of other EU countries increased. Kleiber's report "Wise Poland" provides an exhaustive description of weaknesses of the state, of the system of research and education and the low level of relations with the international economy. The state was de facto absent from areas recognized as crucial in fostering innovative economy. Doubts raised by this diagnosis do not concern the description of the low innovativeness of the economy, but the lack of sufficient explanations of its causes. For this reason and given a failure to address relevant research problems resulting from the presented definition of innovation as well as that the lack of transition from the stage of diagnosis to the implementation phase was not explained, there is the need to continue diagnosing the low innovation performance of the Polish economy.(original abstract)


Innovations, Innovation economy, Innovation theory





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Mielcarek, J. (2016). On the Need to Continue Diagnosing Low Innovation Performance of the Polish Economy. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej W Poznaniu, 69(4). Retrieved from

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